Map and Street View
This service allows you to find on the map the view of the street.
When looking for the certain address, just click on the map at the point you are interested in or move the Pegmen icon there, and landscape will be automatically updated according to the selected position.
Determination of the tipping, camera direction, shooting coordinates and level of image zooming is to be automatically upon any action of the user in the Google window 'Street View'. More...
When looking for the certain address, just click on the map at the point you are interested in or move the Pegmen icon there, and landscape will be automatically updated according to the selected position.
Service Google "Street view" started from May 2007. Since that time there is a permanent addition and updating of street pictures of cities and road all over the world, and virtual walks along well-known architectural structures, memorial or just places of rest becomes more available for everyone who wishes to do so.
Street images have also practical usage: a person who is going to visit unknown city, has a possibility to see it prior it's travelling on satellite map and landscape pictures; therefore, he can faster get direction in unfamiliar landscape.
Possibility to move in three-dimensional approach by means of indicators and smooth change of pictures create an illusion that "street image" is a constant flow of pictures. But, actually, it is not so. In fact, we deal with multiple sets of landscape photos each of them has its own number and connected with adjacent photos and you can refer to each of them and, using the parameters, to show it to you friends in that image as you see it.