Satellite maps in chronological order
Google has launched an online service, which allows observing the changes in the Earth landscape that have occurred since 1984 based on satellite maps.
The service allows viewing the satellite images one by one, indicating a particular year of shooting or their sequence in the animated form
Satellite maps and measurement of the locality altitude above sea-level
Every user of Google Earth or Google maps can easy determine the peaks' altitude or the oceans' depth without prolonged expeditions and expensive equipment.
How the satellite maps are made
With the help of satellite maps everyone has the opportunity to look at the place of interest to him (his house, office, and airport) on the photographs taken with an artificial Earth satellite.
Many Internet users are interested in the question of how the process of filling and updating the satellite images is performed.
Several experiments for distance and area measuring according to satellite map accuracy testing
The popularity of online maps will be considerably lower if there is no possibility to make measurements in-situ with their help.
However, they are interactive and their possibility to identify coordinates in any point of satellite image
Google 'View of the streets': the Amazon river trip
Google 'View of the streets': the Amazon river trip
is supplemented by the panorama photos of the Amazon.
Google maps for game consoles NES and the game for mobile devices
Google creates games taking cartographic service of Google maps as a basis. Google maps are both 8-bit version of game consoles NES and for mobile devices.
Treasure Island map on Google satellite maps
Search on satellite map of island in the ocean similar by description on Stevenson's map to 'Treasure Island'.
There are about 280 fountains in modern Rome. The most outstanding architectural structures are considered to be the fountains Trevi, Triton and the Fountain of the Four Rivers ...
Google maps - a popular service
Satellite maps are one of the most demanded, popular, and informative internet services