find GPS coordinates of the locality Map coordinates acres calculator to calculate the area and length Area Calculator

Area Estimation Maps

This utility is intended for visual comparison of an area by two satellite maps at the same time.

By means of it, one can find two entirely different areas on the Earth and examine it as two different geographic datasets and use this utility to study one area in various modes of Google Maps.

Area Search

Initially, satellite images are linked to each other and show the same coordinates. In that case, 'search' tool finds identical area in two datasets. This may be needed if e.g., a user can see an object 'from the satellite', but there is no object on the map or vice versa.
To perform independent search, turn off 'Linked Maps' checkbox.

- Double maps (old version )

- get Coordinates

Search by the: left map right map

transformation mode view
follow the shape of the tape
zoom level : maps linked
separator markers
Wait... Load maps
Sorry, this service is disabled

Auxiliary Tools

This utility contains 'Measuring Tape' tool for each of these maps, by which one can define the length of objects in the area. You may bend this 'Tape', drag it over the map and change the size of it. When the tape of the first dataset changes its shape, the tape built in the second one will also change its shape even if the maps are separated and show different coordinates on the planet. The shape of the tape in the second set will be calculated relative to map boundaries, consequently, it does not mean that with formal resemblance, the length is the same, since geographic coordinates are different. In 'Conversion Mode' the 'Measuring Tape' tool will be turned off. Other services and utilities to work with satellite maps.

Conversion Mode

The Conversion Mode may seem amusing to you. When you chose it and drag it over the map, you may see that an image is like flowing from one set to the other, and if 'Separate' checkbox is turned off, two similar modes of both maps may seem to show one image instead of two.

Map Markers

If you select an option 'Allow to add markers', every time you click on the map you place a marker. Pass the mouse pointer to it, in a second, an information window appears on your display and you see geographical position of the place you marked. Markers may be deleted one by one in reverse order.