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Empire State Building

Empire State Building. Location on an interactive map and geographic coordinates.

Coordinates (latitude/longitude):


Empire State Building, 350 5th Ave, New York, NY 10118, USA

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Empire State Building - it is the second tallest skyscraper in New York (103 floors). His height - 443.2 meters. Empire State Building - a business center.Here are placed only offices. Located in New York City on the island of Manhattan, Fifth Avenue. The unique building was built in just 410 days and officially opened on May 1, 1931. Originally conceived as eight wonder of the world. Since 1986, this building is a national architectural monument. Everyone can take part in the annual race up the stairs Empire State Building on the 86 floor. The skyscraper is very popular in the movies. The first "role" in the film "King Kong" has glorified the building.
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