find GPS coordinates of the locality Map coordinates acres calculator to calculate the area and length Area Calculator

Widget for your Website / blog :
measure of a polygon area on the Google maps

The widget will give the visitors of your website the possibility to take the dimension of the area of a polygon on the locality.

Initialization parameters:


latitude (decimal degrees):

longitude (decimal degrees):

Define the coordinates

width : height : border :



The visitor of your website will find the locality or any object on the map with the aid of this widget. The visitor will be able to measure the objects area with the clicks by showing the points which will be the vertices of the polygon. Each of the determined vertices can be moved inside of the satellite map and you can remove the last mark.

The push button "Begin a New Calculation ..." moves the result of the last measuring into the cache memory. If during this session some calculations are made, then all the results of the measurings will accumulate in the cache memory, and all the calculations of this session can be exported in the text file in the JSON format.

To put widget in your website, you have to show the initial coordinates and the zoom and set the width and height of the widget window. Then copy the contents of the block <iframe> ... </iframe> and put it in the html code of your page.